Special Qualification Test Programs and LAC Tests

SEROCON® is an expert organization accredited from ISO 17043, especially in the field of biochemistry.  At the same time, it can serve in different matrices. It organizes LAC tests for special needs by monitoring the quality management system, which is established in all its cycles. Laboratories must meet the criteria set out in TURKAK P704 when they need to choose a LAC provider;

"Programs of qualification test providers operating at national and/or international level accredited according to TS EN ISO/IEC 17043 standard should be selected by laboratories first. In the absence of such programs, qualification test programs organized by organizations that meet the requirements of TS EN ISO/IEC 17043 standard should be preferred. " (TURKAK P704 Art. 5.4)

Why are special Qalification Test programs needed?

TURKAK P704 Manager 5.2.2 de; laboratories EA-4/18: In accordance with the Guidance on the Level and Frequency of Profiency Testing Participation guide, it has been reported that they should participate in proficiency tests once in 48 months at the latest for each sub-area they determine, but laboratories cannot find a suitable qualification test provider for all sub-areas continuously and this causes serious problems in inspections. In these cases, special qualification test organizations are carried out. 
In addition, Special qualification test programs may be needed for Method development or Validation processes.

How are special qualification test programs organized?
In these organizations, matrix and sample-based groupings are carried out by conducting preliminary studies for the parameters needed, then the samples to be prepared are determined, and traceability is gained to the samples by conducting preliminary studies (cases where it cannot be applied are also reported in the reports). The organized cycle is announced to all equivalent participants and the participant is gathered. By performing the cycle, the data is collected and evaluated. The results of the evaluation are reported according to ISO 17043 and delivered to the participants. All data of the cycle is stored by SEROCON® in accordance with the procedures.

You can contact us at seroconilc@gmail.com to get questions, feedback and offers.
